
I happen to be a pharmacist.  As such, there are a few other places you might find me online writing about pharmacy-related topics, healthcare, medicine and so forth. 

The Honest Apothecary is my own personal blog/website.  My focus there is primarily on pharmacy news and interviews with pharmacy-folks who are willing to share their career perspectives or businesses with others.

I have the honor and privilege of writing pharmacy-related articles for MultiBriefs, a company which supplies health content to numerous pharmacy association newsletters: MultiBrief Articles

Additionally, these are some of the other things I'm up to as a pharmacist:

To read my pharmacy related articles, visit me over at Hubpages

To read my pharmaceutical blog site, visit me at The Honest Apothecary

The Honest Apothecary has a Facebook Page too, find it HERE

To read my pharmacy articles on Pharmacy Times, visit me at Pharmacy Times

To read my pharmacy articles from the local newspaper, visit the posts at The Yankee Express