Sunday, August 16, 2020

Set Your Mind on Things Above

Feeling frustrated by all you find on your social media feed?

Bothered by the barrage of brutish babel spewed by the media broadcasters?

Tired and tormented even by television ads and entertainment that used to be turned to as an escape from troubling times?

I've found a secret source of solace I want to share. They are wise words from a sacred text that has stood the test of time.  The counsel these words contain will calm your soul in the current crisis. The message contained in these words has the power to produce peace in the midst of political turbulence and courage in a culture of chaos.

What words am I referring to? They come through the pen of the apostle Paul, but their origins flow from heaven itself. First written to a small, struggling church nearly 2,000 years ago, they ring true today as much as ever. You will find them in the book of Colossians, chapter 3, verse 2. 

Here they are: "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

Read it again.

Read it again.

Here is the antidote to our anxiety. Here is a prescription for all our problems. 

Christian, you can do this. You don't HAVE to think about what comes through your radio, TV or social media platform. You don't HAVE to pay attention to every ad, every news broadcast, every discouraging word from your surroundings. Rather, you can decide to think on something else. You choose your thoughts. You hold the steering wheel of your mind in your hands. Your thoughts do not have to go down every bleak and bumpy boulevard you discover. Shift gears. Turn around. Your mind is a telescope. You decide what you want to look at and what you don't. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

Christian, you should do this. The contents of heavenly contemplation are much better than the material you will find here on earth. This is a more pleasant path. Everything in this world is passing away. It's rotting as we speak. Everything in heaven lives forever. The ruler of this world is only evil. The King of Glory is only good. Earthly things frequently disappoint. Heavenly things can always be trusted. The Word of God is heavenly...think on that. Forgiveness is heavenly...think on that. Righteousness, truth, love, holiness...all are heavenly...think on them. Most of all, Christ Himself sits in heaven. Think on Him. Meditate upon Him. Consider Him and all He has done, all He is doing, all He will still do. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

Christian, lastly, you must do this. You have to. Because this is who you are. "For you died," says Paul in the following verse, "and your life is hidden with Christ in God." You see, believer, you no longer belong here in this world. You're a stranger here. Your citizenship is in a better place. This is not your home. We are only passing through. You don't park at every intersection to approach. You pause and go through it. You are looking ahead. That isn't your destination. And you will never reach your journey's end by building your home on the side of the highway. Look up. Lift your thoughts. You must "set your mind on the things above, not on things on the earth."

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