Sunday, August 24, 2008


Oh my Lord,

Deliver me from the wickendess, treachery, blasphemy, insanity, immorality, cruelty, hypocrisy, vileness, arrogance, corruption and carelessness of a prayerless life.

Your servant,


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Give it all!

Half-hearted Christians are like half heated meals: unpleasant at best and unbearable at worst. Like salt without savor or a cake half-turned, so a half-hearted Christian is a worthless soul. He is worth nothing to Christ, nothing to the Church, and nothing to the world. Better half witted than half hearted. Let the saying of Ornan the Jebusite be the motto for every believer today: "I give it all".

King David was sent Ornan. Note: the great King of Israel is sent from his high palace down to the humble abode of this holy Jebusite. David numbered the people to flatter his pride. Now he must go and inquire amongst the common people to humble his pride. Beware if you think you stand lest you fall. David was sent here by the command of Gad the prophet, but God had a message for David to be learned from Ornan the peasant. See oh my soul how any holy and obedient soul is a useful instrument in the hand of Almighty God! David needed a place to build an alter to the Lord, and he came expecting to strike a bargain with the foreigner. Maybe he expected a man like himself, who, seeing an opportunity for advancement would take it. David had to buy the property. Ornan could set his price. He could ask ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times its value...and David would be bound to purchase it, for the life of the very nation was at stake. What a surprise to hear him say to David "I give it all". Give it all? Just give it all? Oh how these words must have humbled the heart of this ruler. Oh they humble your heart today? O my soul, do they strike your heart and smite your pride? Have you said to God Almighty "I give it all"? Or have you held back the better part of your time, your talents, and your tender for yourself? Have you said to God "all..but not yet?" Have you said to God "Most..but not all?".

Give Him your all! Jesus said that "whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My discliple" (Luke 14:33). Forsake all, and give all that you are and you have to the Lord! Let the confession of Ornam be the confession of your soul daily "I give it all".